III-Dalton of RSHS-IX Wiki

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Kathleen Villanueva?

Akel pandak? Noisy?

KaTHY:people who don't know me think I'm shy and Silent but people who know me wish I were!

kaya nga el otro hente ta abla na sana mas louder dapat le keda (especially mga teachers:) pero mga konose ta pidi na kalya boka ya lang le.

she likes to annoy people.

she really LOves Angel Ladrera !

No. 1 naruto fan!

I DON'T HATE PEOPLE! i'm just annoying!

truth is, I Hate haters...so I hate myself for hating haters--trust me I'm a Liar!

sensha ya ha? de kase io mahilig man pic2x

A hugeIyaz fan!